Friday, October 22, 2010


Still waiting. Still nothing. It kills. I'll probably leave another message soon. Problem is that we've never been reliable in returning each other's calls historically. Makes it hard to determine whether or not to call again or just wait. Of course, I'm hoping she just to busy and hasn't called. The alternative can get quite complicated to say the least.

No matter what happens next, she is still a dream girl.

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 13th

It all starts October 13th. Well, not really. Technically, it started a long time ago. Anyway, this is not a unique story. Not even for me specifically. I saw a dream girl the other night. We've stayed in touch for years and even had a "moment" way back in the day. The other night though, we got together for totally legit reasons ... to catch up on old times and to discuss possible business opportunities. Little did we know what a series of Cadillac margaritas on relatively empty stomachs would do to our dialogue and the direction of the night (which started out as day BTW). Suffice it to say that things happened.

It's been a couple days now. I tried to follow up, but have not received any response yet. The lack of response has left me feeling uneasy to say the least. I doubt I'll hear from her in the next couple of days either with me traveling and her always busy on the weekends. Man, after all this time for something like this to happen to me. After all this time to feel the way that I do about her has me tied up in knots, just like a kid. Of course, I'll post updates here. In the meantime, I'll settle for the therapeutic effects of the medium.

Wish me luck.